Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another Try

Let me try this again. 

I dont know where to begin.  I"m at work.  I dont want to be. Its the perfect 70 degree day in fall and everything in me tells me I should be riding my horse and baking and Apple Pie.  Instead I am here and trying to be grateful. 
For now, I have a job I mus
t do.  I backed myself into a financial corner and cant get out.  Not yet anyway.
I feel a part of myself sabatoging myself by being negligent at work. Its almost like I'm trying to force myself out of this job rather than work myself out of it.   I dont want to loose my job, my security, my home.. etc.  In order to have those things I need a plan.  I have spent way to much time dreaming about the Farm Girl life and looking at recipes, projects, and gardens.  I daydream about backyard chickens. 

None of these things is going to happen without a plan.  I am taking the Finacial Peace University Course through work.  The problem is I hate looking at money.  I really do.  I dont like money.  Even when I have had extra money, I did not spend it enjoying life. 

My plan now is to use every dollar I can towards simplifying my life.  That means saving and getting rid of the burden of debt.  As long as I have debt I'll be in this seat on beautiful Fall days.  Something needs to change no matter how long it takes. 

Oh.. and by the way.. the wedding was great but I did nothing I dreamed about during my Stay-cation.  Maybe next year.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Staycation !

Today is the first day of my stay-cation !  I'm super excited. I've always wanted to take time off at home to do the things I love.  There is no reason for me to pack a bag, travel, go to a new place,  just to relax  - is there?  After all, the things I love to do the most are here.  I'm talking about sewing, horseback riding, gardening and baking. 

Here lies the problem, I took my much dreamed about stay-cation the week before my son's wedding. YIKES.  Company arrives today and I have a million "things to do"  . I'm sitting here writing my list now.  The list consists of : buying new kitchen rugs, getting sparklers for the bride and groom, looking at lounge chairs,and much other nonsense.   Seriously Ann?!  Get ahold of yourself !!!  These things are not necesary for your son's wedding.   Ok. maybe the sparklers.

The good news is I took 2 weeks off !  I've never done that - ever. The next two weeks I have the opportunity to live the simple creative live I dream about.  First, I must change the tapes in my head .  This morning I will quiet the noise of a busy Northern Virginia lifestyle and start living the farm girl life. 

The garden was tilled last week and tomotoes and peppers were planted.  I have some seeds that need planted.  Maybe today.  Time to start scratching things off the list rather than adding them.   I did mod-podge a deck table last night.  Our deck needs some sprucing up. 

I do have that dreaded Costco trip though... ugh.

Company starts arriving today and the house must be cleaned.  I got this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Remember when I was going to start blogging?  Last Month.   I believe I said something in that post about having good intentions.  Did I mention I am a procastinator?

Today I am at work looking out the window of my office at the beautiful sunshine and the Azelea bushes.  I love Azelea bushes for 1 week out of the year.  That was last week.  This week they are done.

My goal for the next two and half weeks is to remain sane while helping with my son's wedding. 
Notes to self:
1. You are the mother of the GROOM
2.  Its not about you.
3. No one is going to judge you by the wedding.
4. Dont go broke adding things
5. You promised to make the veil.  Make the veil.
6. Stop looking at wedding websites.

I have not started my vegetable garden yet because I am distracted by the wedding.
I havent stuck to my diet because I am distracted by the wedding.
I havent paid my bills because I'm distracted by the wedding.

Have I mentioned that I am a procrastinator. I'm letting an event that I am only helping to plan distract me.  My part is done.  Its time to focus on my own life and what I'm committed to do.

The farm girl I wantabe would be making the veil and starting to till the garden.  The internet has not been my friend this week.

Tonight I work on the veil. I'll post pictures soon.  Its going to be lovely.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Joining the Blogging World

I decided to join the blogging world. Why? Simple. I want a place to organize my thoughts and dreams. I was told by a professor, years ago, not to ever put anything in writing that you wouldnt want published on the front page of the Washington Post.  I disagree because I believe in journaling.  But I dont journal.  Maybe blogging can combine those two school of thoughts by giving me a forum to vent and dream out loud but still be accountable and organized. 

I believe in lots of things that I do not do. Recycling is one of them.  Driving a hybrid car. Canning. Knitting. The list goes on.

I am a WantaBe.

My lifestyle is not bad - its just average. I live in Northern Virginia. I have a good paying job doing government contract work.  It is same job as most people in Northern Virginia. Its not my dream but I am more fortunate than most.

I over-romantize the idea of being a homemaker on a small farm.  I daydream about sewing, quilting , cooking, horseback riding and gardening. The good news is, I am doing some of those things in any given week.  Not everyday.

The purpose of this blog is to share how I squeeze in a little of my dream lifestyle into a my busy Northern Virginia commuting 9 to 5 hectic reality.  I hope to share how I do this with others but mostly to help myself.  I dream of the simplicity of cooking rather than carry out. I dream of designing a dress rather than going to Ann Taylor. I dream about canning vegestables rather than buying cans of vegetables that I never open. I dream of an organic lifestyle. 

Now, lets start doing it one post at at time !