Friday, April 22, 2011

Joining the Blogging World

I decided to join the blogging world. Why? Simple. I want a place to organize my thoughts and dreams. I was told by a professor, years ago, not to ever put anything in writing that you wouldnt want published on the front page of the Washington Post.  I disagree because I believe in journaling.  But I dont journal.  Maybe blogging can combine those two school of thoughts by giving me a forum to vent and dream out loud but still be accountable and organized. 

I believe in lots of things that I do not do. Recycling is one of them.  Driving a hybrid car. Canning. Knitting. The list goes on.

I am a WantaBe.

My lifestyle is not bad - its just average. I live in Northern Virginia. I have a good paying job doing government contract work.  It is same job as most people in Northern Virginia. Its not my dream but I am more fortunate than most.

I over-romantize the idea of being a homemaker on a small farm.  I daydream about sewing, quilting , cooking, horseback riding and gardening. The good news is, I am doing some of those things in any given week.  Not everyday.

The purpose of this blog is to share how I squeeze in a little of my dream lifestyle into a my busy Northern Virginia commuting 9 to 5 hectic reality.  I hope to share how I do this with others but mostly to help myself.  I dream of the simplicity of cooking rather than carry out. I dream of designing a dress rather than going to Ann Taylor. I dream about canning vegestables rather than buying cans of vegetables that I never open. I dream of an organic lifestyle. 

Now, lets start doing it one post at at time !