Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Small Changes

Its time to evaluate some of the small changes I have made in my life and check my compass.

Somethings have changed, some havent. My son's wedding was wonderful and yes, I did make the veil but no, I havent posted pictures. I did learn how to knit and am adding that to my list of new addictions. I have a few finished projects that might be worth posting if I ever get around to posting pictures.

Financially we have a plan to elimate our debt and working it deligently. Thats a huge step toward my Farm Girl dream life. The plan is based off of The Financial Peace course. We are using the old fashioned envelope method and I LOVE IT ! I have a new sense of security. Our money for groceries, personal care, entertainment, car repairs, charities and so much more, is not just sitting in the bank waiting to be spent on the first thing that comes up. (OR.. the first one to spend it !) Instead money is divided into several categories in envelopes in the safe.

There are so many advantages to this method I can could write all day. I'll skip that. Instead, just know that it works and it works well. I have new sense of security, peace and comfort.

My daughter is engaged! If I continue (or really start) to blog, that will take up the next 6-9 months worth of postings. I'll save that one too but I am super excited about her wedding. We are in the early planning stages now and all my desires for creating are in overdrive. Thanks partially to Pinterest.

I've done some research on Backyard Chickens. It seems to be pretty common. We don't live in a neighborhood but we do have neighbors I shoudl talk to before bringing home livestock. There is one person that \might kick and scream. I love the idea but I'm still pondering.

Lots of people blog these days but for some reason I'm still shy about it. I'm not ready to share my ramblings yet. Not quite.